Passionate about performance and quality


Let’s chat about your roof.

Contact us

Depending on the case, we may be hired to repair or replace roofing, or for portfolio owners, to review and report on roofing.

Use the form below to tell us about your inquiry, and we'll call or email you back. Please be as detailed as possible. To help us best serve your inquiry, we recommend that you first describe the issue you're having before telling us what you want to achieve. Our general response time can be up to two business days.

Tectra Group Inc. Canadian Locations:

Head Office 1-866-748-0808

227 Queens Plate Drive, Toronto, Ontario, M9W 6Z7


British Columbia Office

4170 Still Creek Dr, Suite 200, Burnaby, V5C 6C6


Alberta Office

500 4th Avenue SW, Suite 2500, Calgary, T2P 2V6


Saskatchewan Office

2010 11th Avenue, 7th Floor, Regina, S4P 0J3


Quebec Office

1020 rue Bouvier, Suite 400, Quebec, G2K 0K9


Nova Scotia Office

1701 Hollis Street, Suite 800, B3J 2T9

